CT Data Sculpt

right hip render 20191020-1047.jpg

This sculpture was done for MSC2003: Biomedical Communications Technologies. DICOM files containing CT scan data from a right hip bone was processed in OsiriX and converted to an OBJ file. This was then brought into Zbrush and repaired, filling holes, removing artifacts, and resculpting to reveal its form. Human bones were used for reference.

The cleaned, detailed mesh was retopologized, and UV coordinates were produced. The low-res mesh was then exported with the maps necessary to restore detail via displacement in Cinema 4D. The backdrop was added and the sculpture was lit in Cinema 4D, then brought into Photoshop for minor adjustments.


Objective: to create a cleaned, retopologized model from CT scan data

Audience: lay audience

Format: still image rendered in Cinema 4D; Sketchfab model

Client: Chi-Chun Liu

Medium: Osirix, Zbrush, Cinema 4D, Arnold Renderer, Photoshop

Year: 2019


Unseeable Illustration


MINT Memory Clinic Infographic